77 research outputs found

    Optimal strategies for driving a mobile agent in a guidance by repulsion model

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    We present a guidance by repulsion model based on a driver-evader interaction where the driver, assumed to be faster than the evader, follows the evader but cannot be arbitrarily close to it, and the evader tries to move away from the driver beyond a short distance. The key ingredient allowing the driver to guide the evader is that the driver is able to display a circumvention maneuver around the evader, in such a way that the trajectory of the evader is modified in the direction of the repulsion that the driver exerts on the evader. The evader can thus be driven towards any given target or along a sufficiently smooth path by controlling a single discrete parameter acting on driver's behavior. The control parameter serves both to activate/deactivate the circumvention mode and to select the clockwise/counterclockwise direction of the circumvention maneuver. Assuming that the circumvention mode is more expensive than the pursuit mode, and that the activation of the circumvention mode has a high cost, we formulate an optimal control problem for the optimal strategy to drive the evader to a given target. By means of numerical shooting methods, we find the optimal open-loop control which reduces the number of activations of the circumvention mode to one and which minimizes the time spent in the active~mode. Our numerical simulations show that the system is highly sensitive to small variations of the control function, and that the cost function has a nonlinear regime which contributes to the complexity of the behavior of the system, so that a general open-loop control would not be of practical interest. We then propose a feedback control law that corrects from deviations while preventing from an excesive use of the circumvention mode, finding numerically that the feedback law significantly reduces the cost obtained with the open-loop control

    Emergence of Cooperation in Heterogeneous Population: A Discrete-Time Replicator Dynamics Analysis

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    The emergence of cooperation is analyzed in heterogeneous populations where individuals can be classified in two groups according to their phenotypic appearance. Phenotype recognition is assumed for all individuals: individuals are able to identify the type of every other individual, but fail to recognize their own type, and thus behave under partial information conditions. The interactions between individuals are described by 2 × 2 symmetric games where individuals can either cooperate or defect. The evolution of such populations is studied in the framework of evolutionary game by means of the replicator dynamics. Overlapping generations are considered, so the replicator equations are formulated in discrete-time form. The well-posedness conditions of the system are derived. Depending on the parameters of the game, a restriction may exist for the generation length. The stability analysis of the dynamical system is carried out and a detailed description of the behavior of trajectories starting from the interior of the state-space is given. We find that, provided the conditions of well-posedness are verified, the linear stability of monomorphic states in the discrete-time replicator coincides with the one of the continuous case. Specific from the discrete-time case, a relaxed restriction for the generation length is derived, for which larger time-steps can be used without compromising the well-posedness of the replicator system.The second author acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under project ECO2012-31346, and of the Departamento de Educación, Política Lingüística y Cultura from the Basque Government (Research Group IT568-13)

    Proficiency, Attitude and Conventions in Minority Languages

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    In this paper we study a simple mathematical model of a bilingual community in which all agents are f luent in the majority language but only a fraction of the population has some degree of pro ficiency in the minority language. We investigate how different distributions of pro ficiency, combined with the speaker´attitudes towards or against the minority language, may infl uence its use in pair conversations.The paper was inspired by a working group at the department of Economics I of the University of the Basque Country. The authors bene tted from these discussion. The help of Sergio Faria is gratefully acknowl- edged. The rst author acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministerio deEconomía y Competitividad under project ECO2012-31346, and of the Departamento de Educación, Política Lingüística y Cultura from the Basque Government (Research Group IT568-13). The second author acknowledges nancial support from IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, through a Research Fellowship, and is grateful to Fundamentos de Análisis Económico I department at UPV/EHU for their hospitality and great research atmosphere. The third author acknowledges the support of the Advanced Grant NUMERIWAVES/FP7-246775 of the European Research Council Executive Agency, the BERC 2014-2017 program of the Basque Government, the FA9550-15-1-0027 of AFOSR, the MTM2014-52347 and MTM2011-29306 Grants and the Severo Ochoa program SEV-2013-0323 of the MINECO, and a Humboldt Award at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

    Ciencia y modulación del pensamiento poético : percepción, emoción y metáfora en la escritura de Lorand Gaspar

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    [ES]La presente Tesis estudia las relaciones entre la ciencia y la poesía. Nuestro trabajo aborda el modo en que el conocimiento científico modula la creación literaria, así como algunos de los procedimientos del pensamiento literario. Las hipótesis de investigación reposan sobre dos niveles de la escritura de Lorand Gaspar: la dimensión epistemológica del discurso poético y su valor cognitivo. A partir del análisis de un corpus literario se propone una metodología de estudio que atiende a la complejidad epistemológica y cognitiva de la enunciación poética. Tres apartados teóricos organizan la investigación de algunos de los procesos del pensamiento poético: percepción, emoción y metáfora. Lo anterior se enmarca en una argumentación que favorece la transdisciplinariedad mediante estrategias de análisis literario que integran consideraciones de carácter interdisciplinar

    Asociación de encía queratiniza, biotipo periodontal y grosor óseo peri implantar con el éxito a largo plazo: valoración clínica y estética.

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    Los tejidos peri-implantares tienen una diferencia a los periodontales en la capacidad de resistencia a las bacterias por lo cual se sugiere que debe existir una zona adecuada de encía queratinizada adyacente a los sitios de implantes de 2 mm al menos para obtener un sellado biológico. Del mismo modo la presencia de 2 mm de grosor en la tabla ósea vestibular se cree factor determinante en el contorno y mantenimiento de los tejidos blandos alrededor. El uso de Cone-Beam para diagnosticar y monitorear implantes es un excelente método para evaluar la arquitectura ósea a diferencia de las radiografías bi-dimensionales debido a la exactitud en obtención de medidas. Materiales y Métodos. El diseño de la investigación fue comparativo, abierto, observacional retrospectivo y transversal. La muestra fue de tipo censal incluyendo a los pacientes que acudieran a mantenimiento periodontal y presentaran un solo implante por cuadrante con un mínimo de 1 año en funcionamiento con la restauración definitiva, que de acuerdo a su historia clínica caigan en la clasificación de la A.S.A. como tipo I o II (Sin compromisos sistémicos importantes) Pacientes que aceptaron la realización un cone beam. Resultados. Fueron analizados 28 pacientes con un rango de edad entre los 41 a 60 años. 7 implantes ubicados en el sector anterior y 28 en posterior, 12 en maxilar superior y 8 en mandibula. El 50 % de los pacientes presento > 2mm de encia queratinizada, el 64 % no presento inflamacion, 39% presento una capa fina de placa y el 85% no presento bolsas peri implantares. En cuanto al biotipo periodontal la distribucion fue de 50% para cada uno y el grosor de la tabla ósea fue mayor de 2 mm en el 39% de los casos. En cuanto a la relacion entre estas caracteristicas clinicas los implantes con < 2mm de encia queratinizada presentaron en un 75% de los casos mas inflamacion de lo compatible con salud y el mismo porcentaje se relaciono con los implantes con un biotipo delgado. En cuanto a estetica la calificacion mayor en el PES la obtuvo solo un implante que tenia como caracteristicas un biotipo grueso y una banda de más de 2 mm de encia quertinizada. Conclusiones. Los pacientes bajo mantenimiento periódico constante presentan un mejor control de placa, menos inflamación y menor profundidad al sondeo comparado con los pacientes que acuden a mantenimientos de manera esporádica. Los implantes con biotipo periodontal delgado y grosor óseo peri implantar inadecuado presentaron mayor grado de inflamación, acúmulo de placa y profundidad de bolsa que los categorizados como biotipos gruesos

    Predicting long-term collective animal behavior with deep learning

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    Deciphering the social interactions that govern collective behavior in animal societies has greatly benefited from advancements in modern computing. Computational models diverge into two kinds of approaches: analytical models and machine learning models. This work introduces a deep learning model for social interactions in the fish species Hemigrammus rhodostomus, and compares its results to experiments and to the results of a state-of-the-art analytical model. To that end, we propose a systematic methodology to assess the faithfulness of a model, based on the introduction of a set of stringent observables. We demonstrate that machine learning models of social interactions can directly compete against their analytical counterparts. Moreover, this work demonstrates the need for consistent validation across different timescales and highlights which design aspects critically enables our deep learning approach to capture both short- and long-term dynamics. We also show that this approach is scalable to other fish species

    Situación actual del uso del Marketing en las MiPyMEs de San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León.

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    La presente investigación servirá de base para conocer si en la ciudad San Nicolás de los Garza en Nuevo León, se hace uso del marketing en las MiPyMEs, esto mediante una encuesta realizada a 124 MiPyMEs. Igualmente se pretende conocer cuál es la situación actual de las MiPyMEs a nivel nacional, gracias a la recolección de datos de diferentes medios tales como revistas, libros e investigaciones relacionadas al tema a nivel nacional

    Data-driven discovery of stochastic dynamical equations of collective motion

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    Coarse-grained descriptions of collective motion of flocking systems are often derived for the macroscopic or the thermodynamic limit. However, many real flocks are small sized (10 to 100 individuals), called the mesoscopic scales, where stochasticity arising from the finite flock sizes is important. Developing mesoscopic scale equations, typically in the form of stochastic differential equations, can be challenging even for the simplest of the collective motion models. Here, we take a novel data-driven equation learning approach to construct the stochastic mesoscopic descriptions of a simple self-propelled particle (SPP) model of collective motion. In our SPP model, a focal individual can interact with k randomly chosen neighbours within an interaction radius. We consider k = 1 (called stochastic pairwise interactions), k = 2 (stochastic ternary interactions), and k equalling all available neighbours within the interaction radius (equivalent to Vicsek-like local averaging). The data-driven mesoscopic equations reveal that the stochastic pairwise interaction model produces a novel form of collective motion driven by a multiplicative noise term (hence termed, noise-induced flocking). In contrast, for higher order interactions (k > 1), including Vicsek-like averaging interactions, yield collective motion driven primarily by the deterministic forces. We find that the relation between the parameters of the mesoscopic equations describing the dynamics and the population size are sensitive to the density and to the interaction radius, exhibiting deviations from mean-field theoretical expectations. We provide semi-analytic arguments potentially explaining these observed deviations. In summary, our study emphasizes the importance of mesoscopic descriptions of flocking systems and demonstrates the potential of the data-driven equation discovery methods for complex systems studies


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    El presente trabajo que corresponde a, avances de investigación, pretende presentar un acercamiento a la industria automotriz en México y su relación en específico con la trasnacional Nissan japonesa en Morelos y Aguascalientes, su impacto en términos de inversión, producción y empleo